Friday, February 24, 2012

Met in the Met

So it's been an insanely long time since I've blogged. Since then I've been spending an inordinate amount of time at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. I've been to exhibitions featuring Indian art, Middle Eastern/Orientalism, and an American wing featuring the good, the bad, and the ugly of American artwork.. too bad there was so little of the former...

While I love the MET, there is still something daunting about the fact that when you leave one major exhibition, you still find yourself in a museum. The MET is a series of miniature (some not so miniature) exhibitions which can be constituted as museums. Essentially, the MET is a museum within a museum within a museum... ad nauseum.

The word labyrinth comes to mind, a maze of sorts.  And the moment I think of the word labyrinth, this also comes to mind... 

Which immediately leads me to think about something else...ummm... Dance magic dance...?

Tomorrow I'll be attending the preview of the Steins Collection. So excited to feast my eyes on Matisse and Cézanne and then feast on French cuisine in the Members Dining Room. Magnifique!